Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reflections on 2013 and Travel Photos

Travels of 2013

It's that weird clunky block of days between Christmas and New Years. Mostly good for sorting pictures and organizing.  I took two major trips last year: New Orleans and Mexico.  Think I'll post some up for you while we wait for 2013. So pour a hot beverage and settle in.  :) 

New Orleans

Establishment of the legendary French Creole Pirate Jean Lafitte

Lacey Ironwork and Hanging Greenery

Iconic Jackson Square Blooming with Roses

Haunted Restaurant Adjacent to the Square

Typical Formal New Orleans City Garden



Resort Pool in the Evening

Palm Trees



Wall of Flowers

Valladolid Square


Hard Rock Cancun


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Portland Christmas

Christmas Greetings!


Hello again! It's been a while......I know..... I've been diligently chipping away at several new projects. Some for money. Some for pleasure. And as I sit here in my bright living room next to my sweet and fragrant Christmas tree, it's time to reconnect. The year's end is a traditional time to cast a grateful glance back over the previous 365 days before joyfully greeting the new year with fresh goals and a reborn anticipation of incredible things to come. 

I've been a Scrooge with my time. Here's why:  

1. 9-5 - Still love it. Training new people. I was also assigned to an extremely important client. Gives me excited butterflies in my tummy every time. :)
2. Entrepreneur - Software development (HUGE learning curve here. Basically takes 2hrs per day. Every day. Getting in a rhythm is waaaay harder then it sounds.)
3. Modeling/Acting - This is a seriously involved process. Replying and posting and repeating. Definitely a pastime with the slim glimmer of hope that something may come of it. If not, I still love to dress up. <3
4. Custom Conferences - With one of my best videographers/directors, I'm launching a new service over Skype involving hypnosis. Intrigued? ;) You should be. Nothing dirty....all fantasy. 
5. Fitness - I know this is a lifestyle, but it really needs it's own line item since it is a time-sucker. Acupuncture, reflexology, and chiropractic services have changed my LIFE! Massage too. 

Winter Love

Can't help it. Have to share my current chimera. 

Just yes....

This is now my iPhone background. 


Now that I've got that out of my system (for now!), let me show you how I celebrated. Kept it simple. No time or space for immediate family drama or craziness. So glad I took a little extra time to make my little nest warm and cozy. What do you think? I'll keep this short and just post up the pics. Wish you all a lovely Holiday and hope to see more of you in 2013! 

Above my piano.

Simple fir tree. Love the skinny top!

Little Grinch

Christmas Eve Dinner

Pioneer Square lit for Christmas

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall + 50 Shades of Grey


*****Happy October!!!****

     There is nothing better then a long, dry Indian Summer. Large opalescent moon. Vibrant blue sky. Hair tousled by autumn gusts. Sun warm and gentle. Remember Winnie the Pooh's 'blustery day'? I'm pretty that day fell in October. The only real complaint I have with fall is the filmy layer of ashy dust blanketing my pickup......and the early darkness that is creeping up around 6:30. Time to nest!!!

     I'm feeling homey. And I've sprung into action! For example, today I've cleaned out my kitchen, bedroom, and living room  The kind of cleaning that leaves you sneezing and your hands tight from skin revolting against fierce cleaners, hot water, and constant use.  Cleaning was followed by a Fred Meyer run for some fooooooood! Homemade apple pie ensued. Then a tired girl soaked in a detox bath with a cup of  dandelion tea and 50 Shades. Now it's snuggle time on the couch with my calico kitten Wiley, an earth-toned afgan, and Citizen Kane (this weeks black and white movie selection). So you see, I'm getting ready to hibernate for the winter. :):):) Anyone else feelin' it??


     50 Shades of Gray is enjoying a HUGE surge of popularity here in Portland and across the rest of the country. Although I have some significant complaints about the plot and the writing style, I'm dutifully reading it through prior to the release of the movie...which should be incredibly steamy, right? I guess fantasy is all about what YOU want it to be. On that suggestive thought, I'd like to simply post a few sultry, provocative photos. I hope you love the lavish, passionate art as much as I do. 

If you are grooving with me on these, here are more on my pintrest board. 

This one is sweet and romantic.

This one is raw fantasy. 

Any thoughts? Sleep on it and let me know! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Weekend in Seattle

     There's something about weekends out-of-town that are SOO energizing....and soothing. I think it's the freedom. Free to breathe in a city of strangers. I love my family and friends, but the boost of individuality that comes when you pack a bag and get out of town, is euphoric!!! 


     Besides taking a breather from life in the Portland suburbs, I got to do one of my favorite things in life....any guesses??? Shopping!!!!!! I know. Original. Hang with me. ;)

 Here is a link to my favorite find of the weekend: Lacy Metallic Headbands. A sweet, little, classic, lacy band. I had a TOUGH time figuring out which to buy, but my patient boyfriend took some shots of me in my top picks to help me narrow it down.

    Fun, no?  I found these at Fireworks and honestly, about 75% of the merchandise in this store could easily be shared with you.....just go check it out. :) Even their motto rocks - "celebrating art in life".


     Because I'm also an outdoorsy-freak, I always pick the patio at any restaurant I visit unless there is gale-force winds or tornado warnings or drive-by shootings. Seriously, summer lasts twenty minutes in PDX so take advantage.....and sit on the freaking patio!! ;)

     The restaurant Clay and I happened to pick was called Joey. Pretty swanky and chilled out. Clean, bright colors and bold graphics. Very "loungy." :) Check out the dynamite color scheme against my purse. 




Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Blog - A Portland Girl's Collection of Treasured Findings

Welcome, Friends!

     This blog has been fluttering around in the back of my mind like a lost butterfly for some time.

     I often find myself staring at the stars or enjoying the perfect espresso by myself. Half of the fun of living is sharing your life with others. Will you be my personal friend and confidante? Let's make this blog our weekly trysting place to share our treasured findings.

     As a lady of 24, I have some very definite preferences and opinions on what I find pleasing, but I'm DYING to hear what all of you think. Be as expressive and passionate as you wish....because I will do the same.

     Finally, I am pleased to invite to join me for a celebration of everything true and beautiful. Shall we begin? :)