Saturday, July 27, 2013

Handmade Sandals

Release the Ideas!

Ever think of an AMAZING idea? A fantastic one? It's creative, artful, unique, innovative, and fresh? Did you take it anywhere? What did you do to quickly bring your thought to the world to share your value? Or did you let your darling idea languish away in the back of your head soothed to sleep with slippery thoughts like: 

     It will never work...
     It's too much effort and I'm strapped as it is.....
     Everyone will laugh in my face.....
     If it was a good idea, someone would have already done something about it before now....

I did. 

But now I'm in outright revolt against my own sense of self-preservation and drive to safeguard my tender ego!!!

I'm releasing my idea!
Wanna see? :)

The Need

Here's the scoop: I want classy, organic sandals that incorporate the beauty and fire of our planet while accentuating the natural loveliness and strength of the women whose feet they grace. I can't find any....

Sure, there's the all natural, organic shoes formed with eco conscious awesomeness....but they look too "recycled"...too "tired"... and I'm on a quest for a classy, elegant, crisper form of "green" sandals. 

Then there's the rhinestone-bedazzled flip-flops and other gaudy nonsense...but nothing that embraces the "treasures of the earth" in an upscale, tailored fashion that compliments the tom boy and the business executive alike. 

The Elements

Concept actualization in process...




So here I sit bleeding my concept out onto paper. I can see it perfectly in my mind's eye and soon you will too! The goal is to have some beautifully rendered images to show you in several days. In the mean time, post a comment and share what one idea YOU'RE going to finally take action on and start sharing your beautiful mind with our community! (PS - it will feel invigorating! Trust me! )

Dahlias - finally available from a farmers' market near YOU! :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Saturdays

The Summer Solstice

Summer wins. So many of my best childhood memories translate me back to grassy suburban yards, the tinkling sound of the ice cream truck, breezy car rides with the windows down, and long evenings in the warm, haziness listening to music and poking bonfire embers with the ever present neighborhood gang of friends.

Everything was perfect.

Now that I'm a "grownup" with responsibility and irons dutifully laid in the fire, rekindling the lush indolence of the summer vaca has required more effort.

I've had to make a mindful effort to enjoy summer life - here are three different ways.

The Summer Read

Ch 9
History + Fashion + Entrepreneurship + Visionary Lady = An Awesome Read!

I picked up The Gospel According to Chanel by Karen Karbo and LOVED it. Reading the adventures of a forward thinking visionary like Chanel who overcame abandonment, the male establishment, and multiple world wars to emerge radiant as a gleaming fashion god was inspiring to say the least. 

Here's one of my favorite "Chanelisms:" There is a time for work and a time for love. That leaves no other time. 

If you are looking for a sprightly, vintage tale filled with witty observations by fellow Portlandian, Karen, flip through this spledid peak behind one of the world's most iconic brands and the strong lady who forged it.

The Summer Garden

I got lost on Mississippi Avenue yesterday. Stumbling around look for some healthy sustainence, I veered into a Healthy Planet (thank god for the Cuban bowl!) to refuel. Swigging some fresh water to wash down lunch, I decided to march up to the corner before making the drive back into town. 

Passing by a tiny garden path snuggly tucked between two buildings, I ventured into what appeared to be a delicious urban nursery. Hark! What's this?! A tidy urban chicken coop complete with well-behaved little hens clucking softly. Had I stumbled into a Beatrix Potter story?

Nope! I'd found Pistils Nursery: the darling gem-of-a-garden-boutique.

Soaking in the quaint and unsual assortment of shrubs and perennials with the chickens chatting in the background I made my way in to the garden-shed of an office. Beautiful air plants dangled from tree limbs and sparkling glass terrariums filled with rustic wood shelves. You'll have to head in and check out the moss balls. Enough said.
Pistils Nursery Air Plants
Stunning, textural air plants
Pistils Store Front - South Park Style! :)

The Summer Song

Love haunting songs that make your heart lub against your ribcage and your pulse throb in your throat? Me too. I dare you to listen to this spectral melody around twilight when your neighborhood is quiet, warm and restful. Feel the lyrics tug at your if to beckon you out into the night toward a midsummer tryst with the shadowy souls of the Victorian departed. Just don't let your evening candle flicker out! ;) 

Sliver of Coldplay's new "Cemeteries of London" lyrics